3940 E. Gilman Street, Long Beach, CA 90815



If a woman has been trying to get pregnant for a year or longer, or six months if aged 35 or older, it is time for an appointment to an OBGYN to discuss fertility issues. Pregnancy involves a complex chain of events, and if one piece of that chain doesn’t work properly, becoming pregnant may become more difficult.


While some women get pregnant quickly, there are many women who encounter fertility issues. Infertility is experienced by 10% of the population that is reproductive age. More than 6 million Americans are impacted by infertility.


If you have tried to get pregnant for an extended amount of time with no success, you should schedule an appointment to discuss your fertility. There are several factors that may impact fertility, including uterine fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), luteal phase defect (LPD), alcohol use, premature ovarian failure (POF), smoking, being overweight or underweight, strenuous exercise, chronic health conditions, STDs or many other issues.


We provide fertility testing and various treatment options. Various medications can be used to treat ovulation problems, surgery can be used to treat various kinds of male and female fertility, intrauterine insemination and in-vitro fertilization. We can help you come up with a treatment plan that will greatly improve your chances of becoming pregnant. If you are concerned that you may be experiencing a fertility problem, call us to schedule a consultation with one of our physicians.